Tierkommunikation mit deiner Katze
Was möchte dir deine Katze sagen?
Welche Bedeutung hat ihr Miau?
Tierkommunikation mit deiner Katze kann dir die Antwort geben.

Cats are the most considerate and attentive companions one could ask for.
Pablo Picasso
… and that is exactly what all of our Chartreux cats reflect. You live with us in a big house and thus participate 100% in our everyday life. Yes, in some cases they even determine this.
We invest every minute of the day and our complete love in our hobby breeding. We accompany the mothers at all times before, during and after pregnancy and take part in the development of the kittens, because this is the only way we can guarantee complete care that is appropriate to their species and behavior. Health and vitality are our top priority.
Before buying a Chartreux, or in general before buying a cat, a few basic things should be considered, such as cat allergies, time for a cat or a vacation replacement. Some food for thought is summarized in the article “Thoughts bevor buying a cat“.
There are also some hints about “Why pedigree cats are so expensive” which is written by 1.DEKZV e.V.
The last and most important thing you need to know is: You need time! The Chartreux is currently a very popular breed, so there is a waiting list for all litters.
Of course, we would like to know how and where our kittens can enjoy their future life and therefore we would like to know everything about the new families. We are happy about every phone call, e-mail, SMS or other message and will gladly take the time to answer all of your questions. However, if you are seriously interested in adopting one of our kittens and would like to be put on the waiting list, we ask you to fill out our short application form (→ To the application form).
Another basic requirement for a possible purchase is at least a personal meeting, because there should be mutual sympathy.
A word about the waiting list to help you understand how we deal with it:
In general, we try to consider all interested parties as soon as possible after they have been placed on the waiting list: as soon as we have kittens and as soon as the desired sex is available. However, there may always be situations in which we (cannot) process the list 1 to 1. Three important reasons would be
Our cats and of course the kittens are our family and you will also become a part of it if you take in one of our babies. Therefore, there must be absolute sympathy between all parties – us, you and our cats.
Cats are very sensitive animals and feel your vibrations. They show us very clearly whether you are well-disposed towards them or have doubts. And when choosing new families, we therefore attach great importance to a positive acceptance by our cats.
The standard delivery age for kittens is normally from the 12th week. However, our association has decided for the good of the kittens to increase the age of delivery to 14 weeks. Therefore we hand over our kittens to the new families depending on their stage of development at the earliest from the 14th week. We want to give the mother and the kittens a maximum of family time together and an optimal weaning of the kittens. This extra time allows the kittens to develop physically as well as mentally even stronger and better. Even at this (still very young) age, the kittens have not lost any of their cuteness and playfulness, but will enchant their new families just as much.
At that point the kittens (like all our adult cats) received the best possible veterinary health care. The kittens are with the delivery
We are always available for questions about keeping, feeding, health and much more. We love every kitten and want only the absolute best for them.
We look forward to your every message! So just write to us: info@katzen-kosmos.de
You want to take a beautiful Chartreux baby from us, then use our application form: → To the application form.
Was möchte dir deine Katze sagen?
Welche Bedeutung hat ihr Miau?
Tierkommunikation mit deiner Katze kann dir die Antwort geben.
Erfahre, warum es für eine Katzen schöner und artgerechter mit einem Katzenfreund ist.