Tierkommunikation mit deiner Katze
Was möchte dir deine Katze sagen?
Welche Bedeutung hat ihr Miau?
Tierkommunikation mit deiner Katze kann dir die Antwort geben.

With every kitten that goes out into the big wide world and in its new home to experience its adventures, our Chartreux family grows, because from that point on the new families are part of us.
We are always happy about the wonderful feedback from our former Chartreux kittens in their new home. So we can see how they develop.
We thank all families for giving our “babies” such a wonderful home.
It’s Balthasar. Do you still remember me? When I and my siblings were born 7 months ago with you, in your beautiful home? I wanted to thank you in this way for the wonderful start into a new life! Your inexhaustible time and love for us, our loving parents and wonderful aunts!
All the cuddling and caressing, the great food and socializing, you have shown and taught us so much. I have become really brave and have my opinion, which I now enforce 😉. Oh yes, and I grew up too, I’m a really handsome tomcat. Thanks to you!
Thank you for the correct and loving selection of our future parents. I can at least say that you did everything right. Have everything here in the “paw” !!
Thanks for everything, from the first breath to the last kiss when I moved out! And Cornelia, I noticed very well that you were sad when I moved out. (That’s how I noticed how much you loved us) I was also sad because I had to leave you all! But a hangover has to go his way. I have two big siblings here. Besides sleeping and eating, I prefer to fight with Teddy. That is really good fun. I have my pants on in my new family. I’ve already wrapped the diva of the house around my paw. I enjoy it when she licks my head.
My new mom thinks I’m a thick head. Just because I want to get my point across. Tztztz … Well, if you want to climb the curtains, that’s what you want. And if someone jerks me down ten times, I’ll jump into the curtain an eleventh time 😉
So please don’t worry, I’m fine!
My new parents also want to comment briefly:
Dear Cornelia, dear Marcel, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts that you have entrusted us with one of your babies. To see with how much love, time and devotion you look after your darlings, touched us very much. You can feel the passion. Balthasar has an incredibly strong character and is very self-confident, which he owes to your upbringing. He’s not afraid of anything or anyone, maybe a little respect for our diva Schoki. He enriched our world a lot. We don’t want to miss him anymore!
For that a big thank you! Feel hugged!
Andrea and Rico
In May 2020 we contacted you for the first time and we got on the waiting list for the C-litter. The decision for 1 or 2 kittens was still pending. At the beginning of July Conny wrote to us and asked if we were interested in two girls from the B-litter. The family that had booked the kittens had cancelled and Conny and Marcel only wanted to give them away together, because they harmonize very well and are friends. She sent us pictures of the two and the following vita:
“Bijou vun Mang de Meren is the temperamental one, meaning she also plays a bit harder and more persistent sometimes. She is also more courageous and brash. Her coat is still very fluffy, so she looks like a fluffy ball at the moment.”
“Baghira vun Mang de Meren is a bit calmer in comparison. She also likes to play a lot, but a bit more cautiously. She often seeks the proximity of Bijou.”
We decided on the names Katniss and Primrose based on their description. Two sisters who love each other unconditionally and stand up for each other. So the brash Bijou became Katniss by name and the somewhat reserved Baghira was renamed Primrose, Prim for short. For us the decision was already clear from the pictures, videos and vita 🙂 Nevertheless, we wanted to wait for the visit in Kiel and confirm our good impression so far.
On 26.07.20 the decision was made. It was a great visit to the best cat family you can imagine. The affectionate handling of big and small cats and the peaceful living together convinced us completely. And at the sight of the little fluffy balls just every heart must melt…….
Now the two mice have been with us and at home for a good year and what can we say? These two were the best decision ever and ever and ever.
From the beginning Katniss and Prim showed us how right our and their choice was. Because I firmly believe that these two chose us!
Arriving at their new home, they immediately got out of the transport box and inspected the house completely. The first night was so quiet that we were almost afraid that the two were not there at all 🙂 But in the morning when we made ourselves noticeable, they promptly paid us a visit in bed. They still visit us in bed, but they only sleep in it in exceptional cases. They find their own beds then probably nevertheless more comfortably and above all without annoying humans that roll to and fro.
Our daily routine is usually as follows:
Punctually in the morning at 5 o’clock we (both) stand at the bed and wish that the lazy parents get up, to crawl and above all FEED. Not to imagine what hunger they had to suffer. The whole night without eating. You have to imagine that. If one does not react immediately, the Mamihaare is licked gladly times, angefressen or also times a Jump of the windowsill on the sleeping parents accomplished. Otherwise, just scratch daddy’s bedspread or lick his ear.
Daddy is then the one who gets up and serves us breakfast. Always carefully weighed how stuffy…. he could well make a mistake. He’s probably forgotten that there was nothing since 10 p.m. last night.
When daddy drinks his coffee on the sofa, I (Prim) jump on his lap and get my petting and crawling. We both enjoy this ritual very much. I then make myself comfortable on Mommy’s lap on Sundays during breakfast. We both appreciate this time equally.
Now and then we do yoga with mommy in the morning, no fun, actually we just watch and romp over the mat from time to time.
For me (Katniss) this is still nothing in the morning, I just like to have breakfast and chill until the 2nd breakfast. Before our parents leave, they clean our toilet and daddy starts to vacuum in earnest. As if from such a bit of cat litter in the apartment the world ends….
My sister Prim still can’t get used to the vacuum cleaner after more than a year. She’s always running into the bathroom. Mommy’s makeup chair is her safe haven. I don’t care, daddy can vacuum as often as he wants. Even right next to me, he probably doesn’t think that I’ll get up extra…..
Then we get our 2nd breakfast and mom and dad go to work. It’s clear, the money for our food does not earn itself.
While they are away, we romp through the place, finally we have to use the space and we have to work off the food, too. Afterwards we take a powenap to recharge the batteries.
When Mami comes home at lunchtime, she always wonders about the slipping carpets and dragged shoes. But she never complains, she is happy when we can keep ourselves busy. I (Katniss) always pick her up at the door, usually I can see her coming from the bedroom window. Then we get our well-deserved lunch and, depending on our mood, we play a round of soccer or chase her around the bed with mommy. Before she goes back to work, she hides some treats or a bit of dry food in the whole apartment.
dry food in the whole apartment, which we then look for and may also eat as a reward. We spend the afternoon bird watching, taking a long nap, and occasionally messing around. But seriously, why does Mami hang up the laundry if she doesn’t want us to take it down again?????? And honestly, what are kitchen cabinets for? Of course, so that we can conquer them! Mom and Dad have probably realized that and laid out a blanket on top for us.
We love everything that we can run up and down. We love to chase the cat tree up to under the ceiling and down again. Then over the chair on the catwalk, briefly scratch the wall bar and zack down again.
In the evening our parents come home again and we greet them friendly. Then I(Katniss) also like to be cuddled. The two smell then always so different that I must change and bring my smell to the man or woman. We get our food and our crawl units. Then dad starts again to clean our toilets and to suck. But that’s a good thing, we like it clean too.
When we have digested and daddy and mommy have eaten (we are clear about that! No cats on the table? As if, that’s just as well our table 😸), then we play another round together. Katniss loves to play catching feathers with daddy and mommy and hunting with me. She always encourages me to do that too. But then she howls quickly because I am so rough. But hey, what can I do about it, that I am so strong. Mommy and daddy always say that I was born to be a hunter. My favorite toy is my llama, which I proudly carry around the whole apartment, loudly expressing my pride. After all, not everyone can hunt down such a llama. I like to play and often alone and chase everything that comes in front of my paws. I also often grab our toys from the toy box.
We both love to play soccer with our parents. We are almost as good as Mbappe`. At 10pm we get our night snack and we all get ready for bed. On the weekends and Daddy’s day off, everything is a little more leisurely. And we enjoy the full attention to the fullest. Sometimes we take a trip outside on the leash and watch the ants, bugs and butterflies with fascination.
We are simply the center of attention in our little family.
They still love each other very much and sleep together in the same crib from time to time. They clean each other and play a lot together. Although the two sisters are from the same litter, they are very different in nature and appearance.
Katniss is still plush and light gray in coat. She loves to sprint through her rustle tunnel making hilarious gurgling sounds. She likes to chase, but always takes a long time to think. She is not as cuddly as Prim, but when she wants to be cuddled, she is good at demanding it. Towards strangers she is very open-minded and goes straight to them. She is not sensitive to noises and is very brave. She has her own head and does not let everything happen to her. On the arm, gladly times briefly, but then also fast again down. Otherwise she likes to be alone and sleeps less than her sister. She prefers to lie somewhere upstairs and explore the situation. She is a very quiet cat. She only gets loud when it comes to eating. She has memorized the times and likes to start mewing and scratching at the food cupboard half an hour before feeding time. When we then prepare the food, she squawks for all she’s worth. Otherwise she is just our beloved fluffy cat. Sometimes we mock that she is a cat in a cat’s body. We love her 100 percent the way she is. Just perfect.
Primrose is a perfect chartreux. She has such an elegant appearance and a dark, dense coat. She is a perfect and effective hunter and loves to haul her prey around the apartment proudly mewing. No spider or fly is safe from her. But she is also super cuddly and loves to lie on our laps and be cuddled. She likes to be held in our arms and makes herself really comfortable there and loves to be carried around the house. Prim has so much trust in us that you could literally do anything with her. At the vet this is very helpful 🙂 She also loves to play by herself and/or with us and her sister. She is clearly the more dominant in the pair.
However, she is always very wary of strangers and very jumpy when it comes to noises. She doesn’t like the vacuum cleaner at all. She is so magical and lovable. A great cat that we love more than anything and accept her as she is. Because she does that too 🙂
Dear Conny, dear Marcel,
we can’t tell you how incredibly happy we are that Primrose and Katniss found their way to us. They have changed and enriched our lives in a positive way. We can’t imagine our lives without them and we will do our best to give them the life they deserve. We thank you for your trust and are grateful to have you in our lives. You are always there with help and advice.
With kind regards
Sandra and Ove with Katniss (Bijou) and Prim (Baghira)
Hard to believe, our two (four-legged) boys are now already 10 months old and soon live with us for 7 months!
Since it is really time to tell you how our life together here in our 7-person household (5 bipeds without fur + 2 quadrupeds with fur 😉) now works so and also look back once, how it all began.
It’s been almost 2 years since we first wrote to you and expressed our interest in adding two animal roommates to our family. After a more detailed telephone contact we realized that our mutual ideas are compatible, we got on your waiting list and we were prepared that nothing would happen for quite a long time, because your waiting list was long and kittens were not in sight.
In the following months you kept us informed whenever there was news about litter plans and we continued to wait patiently.
During our vacation in July we were asked if we were still interested in kittens and after we had answered this question positively, the next question followed: Would we take two little males instead of one pair of siblings? Also there we did not have to think long and said yes. Well, and then the bomb burst: You told us about Emilia’s D-litter on June 25, 2021 and that the two boys from this litter would still be looking for a nice home. Our enthusiasm knew no bounds and we could hardly believe that the theory would soon become practice and that you wanted to entrust us with the two little boys.
Quickly, a joint group was set up on one of the popular messenger services and when we saw the first photos and videos of Emilia and her rascals, we were really shocked in love😻. At this point, a very big thank you to you for sharing with us so many photos and videos of the development of the little ones and of course thank you for always giving us great advice in preparation for the arrival of the little ones.
It was also great for us that we were allowed to choose the names of the kittens. We searched the WWW, the family council met and finally the kids had a name, Duke and Dusty.
At the end of August we could finally meet you and your cat gang and of course especially our boys in person. This was a great event and we were thrilled about your open and hearty nature, the obvious harmony in your life together with your cats and of course about the two heartbreakers Duke and Dusty.
In the following weeks we could hardly wait for our two babies to move in and we distracted ourselves from our impatience by furnishing our four walls in a cat-friendly way and by getting all the accessories we needed so that the little ones would want for nothing. Also here you supported us great, answered all our questions patiently and gave us valuable tips.
At the beginning of October we were finally able to bring Duke and Dusty home to us, which was a great adventure for all of us. They didn’t like the car ride very much and were happy when they were finally allowed to leave the transport box in our living room. They immediately went on a discovery tour and we were very relieved when they also inaugurated the litter box. Dusty and Duke explored their new home cautiously, but not shyly, and after some hesitation they tasted their first meal.
All this is now almost 7 months ago and in the meantime we can’t imagine our life without the two of them. We have found a common everyday life and Dusty and Duke are very dear, sensitive and tolerant family members. They are never wrong, that they would bite or suddenly extend the claws, we have never experienced. When we are not in the house they don’t turn the place upside down, they probably even enjoy having the house to themselves for a change and not hearing anything except S I L E N C E . They have always been great at vet visits too. We love them very much, they enrich our family life and we would not give them away for any money in the world.
Even if it is not always quiet with us with three boys, two of them in the pubertal stage, Dusty and Duke do not let themselves be upset by it and always remain calm. They are always well-balanced, bear it with bravura that they are showered with love from all sides and do not cower when strangers invade their home. Quite the opposite: when the big black man, meaning the chimney sweep, came the other day, they both had to try out right away whether the open work case might not make a nice place to snooze🤣.
We believe that their great character is mainly due to the fact that they could have a great start in life with you and Mama Emilia, Papa Collin and their aunts Chiara, Eden and Shiva and of course you have given everything in love and care, so that they can grow up to such great cats.
It is exciting to observe what different personalities Dusty and Duke are.
Dusty is growing into a handsome cat who will do (almost) anything for food, he especially loves his ration of breakfast eggs on weekends and always sits in front of the kitchen door before feeding time and tries to get us to serve him his food immediately by mewing pitifully and falling over theatrically. He likes to be cozy and to watch while playing. He loves to play with balls or the feather fishing rod. When he moves fast, he likes to wobble the booths or topple the little stools and we have smiled at him many times. He likes to be carried around in his arms like a baby, watching the boys play games, but also likes to nap quietly in our bedroom during the day.
Duke is the more petite and also more elegant of the two. He doesn’t care much for food, so by now they both eat from separate plates so he doesn’t miss out. He is our Explorer and always there when something happens in the house. He is my office assistant in the home office, likes to sit on my desk, and generally likes to accompany me around the house. He also does quality assurance on house cleaning. Every cleaned area is immediately inspected and sniffed. If only this stupid vacuum cleaner would not be…..den both do not like very much and always prefer to watch the fight man against beast with a proper safe distance. Duke loves his cat fishing rod with leather thong and is a very persistent player and I think he is the secret boss of the two 😉.
Early risers are both, which means that during the week you are already expected by them before the bathroom. A sight that melts your heart even when you’re half awake. On weekends, however, they are very patient and it can take them until 8:00 a.m. before they walk to the head of our bed or visit one of the boys to remind us that they would like to have breakfast.
They camp out in different places, with Duke happily accompanying our oldest son to bed and staying with him until he falls asleep.
When we are on the patio, they get a harness on and then explore the yard on the long leash. The plans for a secured free run are already in our heads, but the implementation will probably take a while.
So, as you can read here, the two get along with us “cat beginners” quite well and have already domesticated us to the extent that they feel quite comfortable with us, so we have the impression anyway.
Finally, we would like to thank you again, also in the name of Duke and Dusty, for your loving and patient company. We appreciate it very much that you let us participate in the development of the two in the first months and that you now follow the further development of Duke and Dusty and that you always have an open ear for our questions or help us with some advice. You are always there and that’s great 👍.
We wish you further a nice time with your cat gang and much success and joy with the breeding.
Best wishes and a double P U R R send to you
Duke & Dusty
together with can openers Thomas, Lukas, David, Magnus and Petra
Was möchte dir deine Katze sagen?
Welche Bedeutung hat ihr Miau?
Tierkommunikation mit deiner Katze kann dir die Antwort geben.
Erfahre, warum es für eine Katzen schöner und artgerechter mit einem Katzenfreund ist.